Installing Casters On Fender Amp Parts

Snap-in casters are *much* more stable, because the wheels aren't likely to become separated from the load because they're anchored by screws.. The dolly with the amp strapped on is also safer than casters for an amp with a high center of gravity such as a Super Reverb.. The small wheel diameters on Fender casters makes them susceptible to getting caught in cracks in the sidewalk seams.

  1. installing casters on fender twin reverb

I'd probably go that way if it were me I'll research the 'cradle' option is that offered by Fender also? Thanks nevetslab.. We had perfected the art of tipping full filing cabinets, bookcases and other heavy things like executive desks, credenzas and office furniture onto furniture dollies for moving them about the building.. Larry, When my customers ask about wheels for their amp I recommend that they get a folding dolly and a heavy duty cinch strap to hold the amp securely on the dolly.

installing casters on fender twin reverb

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In the big scheme of things, fixed casters are *great* indoors, bur they are only so good when it comes to moving an amp outdoors. Wacom Isd Dual Touch Drivers For Mac

I understand why you're asking for advice I have multiple big Fender amps -- several Twin Reverbs, several Super Twin Reverbs, Super Reverbs and Bassman 10 conversions.. One example of a folding dolly is at Of course, you could use a standard non-folding dolly with nice pneumatic tires if you had the space to carry it around.. I have casters on *ALL* of those amps I wouldn't consider not having casters on them.

Amplifier Parts Fender offers casters and the snap-in socket for these amps You can find them at Antique Electronic Supply.. The Fender Field Guide says that my vintage SFTR weighs in at 69 lb Mine has EV speakers in it, so it easily has to weigh 80 lb.. The advantage is that the amp gets a smoother ride, the wheels are not permanent and are taken away when the amp is on the stage, you can hop curbs & even climb stairs, you can strap additional stuff to the dolly on top of the amp and you can use the dolly to move other equipment after you are done moving the amp.. Years ago I spent my college summers working as a professional in-house furniture mover at one of the Chicago skyscraper office buildings in The Loop.. Like getting onto a freight elevator or running up a ramp into a truck In that sort of environment a mover's dolly becomes pretty worthless because the wheels jam into the irregularities of the surface, and the load typically shifts off of the dolly if it isn't strapped down.. Or, you could have a cradle made using better fixed casters on it, so the amp sits into the cradle, and no modifications req'd to the amp.. Legs & Corners for Instrument Amps like the Fender Amplifier Casters with Of the amp needed for installing the casters. b0d43de27c